A new Capcom board is working....the game is 1943 The Battle of MidwayThe game is working but is flipped just same fixes and it'll work well..and I am working on PS1 board as soon as I will ...


A good news for all arKad users a new board a Tehkan  Tecmo World Cup is emulated. Just some problems with 3 Z80 cpus in multicote configuration et voila. The game now it is running, below some screenshots. This board uses 2 Z80 in multicore configuration plus a third ...


Stable build for version 1.1 is ready. Finally Red Hearth is working with cdrom image. As soon as I will reelease the build. Just some infos abou the emulation of SCSI/ATAPI port is very hard but it is ...


On our Github repo is ready for use BlackTiger machine. The last step was the Yamaha OPN emulation, it is working well and it needs only some fixes for more speed and quality. The SSG is emulated and ...


New Capcom's board is working. BlackTiger the awesome dragon dungeon game cabinet, is emulated at 80%, both Z80 cpus are working in the same time. Now I am just working on Yamaha 2203 OPN  chips emulation. ...